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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Start a Journal

I've been reading a really great book called The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy, and although I'm not even 1/2 way, I must say that he really does motivate to make one's life better!  If you haven't already, I suggest checking this book out!  One of the first thing he says to do is get a goal and start tracking for 3 weeks!  It takes 3 weeks of completing a task sometimes before it becomes habit so get a nice journal out and get to it! 
the items most important to me: Finances and Food.  I began my journal on Monday and it takes like 2 minutes/day to make a huge difference.... we're back to baby steps!
1.) Get a journal you like looking at!  This helps unless you are OK with plain old paper.
2.) Write down what you want to track and what your main goal is.  Mine is to pay off debt in 2 years and weigh 140 pounds or less in 1 year.
3.) Take time out of each day to write down every cent you spent during the day and every bite you took during the day.
What is a few minutes out of each day for 3 weeks???  Just try it, what do you have to lose?  A very small step that can lead to a huge difference in your life!

Weight Watchers Free Meeting

Did you know that Weight Watchers will let you go to a meeting to check it out??  Get details from their webpage:

Needed .... New Menu!!!!

So, I'm having some trouble with my menu!  I really think if I could get a menu with all healthy, clean foods that I love I could stick to it, but I'm such a mish-mosh type person that I need structure and I don't like alot of vegetables and fish so maybe that's why I have weight problems!  Honestly, people tell me to shut it and eat the foods like tomatoes and green beans ... seriously, I HATE the texture of tomatoes and I think I have mental issues about eating green things!  I did get over myself one time and tried green beans ... no thank you and it sucks because they are so good for me!  I just CAN'T physically or mentally make myself eat them or tomatoes, or peas, or really any type of bean unless it's in chili or a re-fried bean on a tortilla with cheese! 
Why am I such a healthy food snob!!??  Are there any others out there the same way that has overcome this issue?  I need HELP! 
I would love to see a menu without hummus and beans and tuna!  I refuse to eat tuna and that sucks too but the smell & texture can't be handled by this gal!  I think some of it comes from my father and his weak stomach ... seriously you could pretend to pick your nose and act like you had a boog and chase him all the while he's running and gagging, and he knew that we actually hadn't snagged one!  So, that kind of shows you a pic of where I'm coming from, but not at all as bad as he was.  I just can't handle certain items.  Any ideas on how to conquer?  I'd love to have a set menu and grocery list that consists of foods I won't gag at and be a snob to!!  Actually if I had 2, I could switch from one to the other each week ... anybody got any ideas?  And I also live in a rural, extremely small community that has like 1 grocery and 1 discount grocery store so that also gives you an idea that I can't go buy all this fancy health food!  I think I just figured out my weight issue..... I'm a food snob with hardly any access to healthy food!  :)  HELP!!!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

OMG! TurboFire for $53!!!! Unbelievable Discount of 55%

TurboFire for $53 and many more discounted Beachbody products!  Lets get started!

Beachbody June Challenge

I have 2 spots left for my June 2013 Beachbody Challenge Group!  I would love to have a full group!  We maintain accountability through a private page that will last all month!  I am so excited to do this so come join me!  Right now is the time since the programs are on sales!  Contact me for more details!

Seeking Information on What a Challenge Pack or Group is?

You can start here:
What are you waiting for?  I waited and waited but finally decided to do something about it!  I've spent so much money on programs that just don't work -- I'm completely honest here!  Join my team, be successful, lose weight, and make money!!???  Are you kidding?  Lets do this!

Sizzling Summer! Beachbody Discounted ... On Sale! AWESOME! I love a good discount!

WOW!  Check out the new Sizzing Summer Savings from Beachbody!  CAN'T believe these awesome deals!!
June is here, can you believe it?!
Sizzling Summer Sale – June 3rd – 10th
  • To get your summer started right, we’re offering you and your customers discounts on NINE Beachbody classics, including TurboFire®, Brazil Butt Lift Master Series®, RevAbs®, Body Gospel®, Ultimate Reset®, Energy & Endurance®, select Beachbody Apparel, Step with Four Risers, and the P90X® Chin-Up Bar. This sizzling sale runs from June 3rd -10th, but all products are only available while supplies last, so get ‘em quick!  You can get Challenge Packs at incredible discounts so hurry up before the supplies are gone.
  • Qs??  Please don't hesitate to contact me:  I am here to help you achieve your goals!!

Friday, May 31, 2013

Right Now you can get a discount on these challenge packs!


Why not use this FREE offer as the catalyst to getting a new customer on a new vitamin HD start? This potent blend of nutrients and ancient Chinese herbs is the ultimate recovery remedy, that goes hand-in-hand with the discounted Tai Cheng® Challenge Pack. Boost your immune system and your business! Or suggest gifting it for Father's Day or as your own Men's Health mimi-promo.
Check out the offer here:  You can sign up through my site and get this free trial offer.
Cordastra™—Free Trial Offer
Item #: CordastraTrial
Offer expires May 31, 2013
Help strengthen your immune system and increase your energy and stamina with this exclusive potent blend of ancient Chinese herbs—cordyceps and astragalus.*
Cordastra™—Free Trial Offer
Item #: CordastraTrial
Offer expires May 31, 2013
Help strengthen your immune system and increase your energy and stamina with this exclusive potent blend of ancient Chinese herbs—cordyceps and astragalus.*

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Getting the Beachbody Coach Discount

Are you looking for a way to get the Beachbody Coach discount on your Beachbody purchases, or just wondering how much the Beachbody Coach discount is?
If so you are in the right place. In this post I’m going to be explaining what the Beachbody Coach discount is, and how you can get it to save money on your own purchases.

Beachbody Coach Discount – 25%

Generally the Beachbody Coach discount is 25%. In most cases, Beachbody Coaches are able to save 25% on all of their purchases. I've added some comparisons below to show you what the retail prices VS the Beachbody Coach prices are:
  • Retail price – $119.85
  • Coach price – $89.89
  • Retail price – $119.85
  • Coach price – $89.89
  • Retail price – $129.95
  • Coach price – $97.46
Ultimate Reset
  • Retail price -$229.95
  • Coach price – $172.46
The comparisons above show you how to save a considerable amount of money with the 25 percent Beachbody Coach Discount. Please note: In order to become a Beachbody Coach and be able to get the Beachbody Coach discount, there is a small start up cost, and a $15.95 recurring monthly fee. So you only want to become a Beachbody Coach just for the discount if you are purchasing Beachbody products on a regular monthly basis. You will end up saving money if you drink Shakeology every month, or if you are ordering a significant amount of other products on regular basis.
Determining whether or not becoming a Coach for the discount makes sense is pretty easy.  Run the figures of what you are paying now monthly for all of your Beachbody Products and compare it to the same costs only saving 25% each time.  If you would spend less, go for it! 
You can save even more money with the Beachbody Coach discount if you are someone that orders multiple products on a monthly/regular basis.
Many customers have become Coaches in order to get the discount, and then discovered how easy it was to make a few extra bucks by recommending Shakeology & Beachbody workouts to their friends, family, and coworkers. Most customers that use these products seem to talk about them all of the time with other people, and feel great recommending a product they enjoy themselves and that truly gets results, so becoming a Coach and getting paid for the referral is just a natural fit.  I find it extremely easy because people actually approach me and say, "how did you lose so much weight?"; "wow, you look great!"; "can you help me?".  The product works so people start to believe in it.
The start up cost to get started as a Beachbody Coach is so low, actually free when one purchases a Challenge Pack during the signup process, there is nothing to lose and very little risk. If you are someone that purchases Beachbody products on a regular basis, and want to signup to be a Beachbody Coach just for the Beachbody Coach discount, then go for it.  I can help you and will provide fabulous free training to help you get started!  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!  Thanks, Katie
So, lately I've had several questions about deciding to become a Beachbody Coach.  I found my upline coach through a position she hired me for on ELance, we hit it off, I need to get into shape, and I already make very good money at my full time job.  I will be furloughed in about a month, and I personally wanted to find a job that I can make up the income I'll be losing and staying home while doing so.  I completed a Challenge exercising with TurboFire (more on that later) and my upline convinced me to join the Coachery Network (her business) and I hopped on it ... I mean where else can you start your own business for so little.  I see her success and she's going to help me be successful and let me tell you ... she walks the walk and talks the talk.  So, to clear a few things up ...
1.) You do not have to be a skinny model to be a coach.  I am not but would like to be ... tee hee hee!  I want people to know that I struggle just like they do, but I want to be successful and have people to celebrate my and their success with!!
2.) Do you really make money being a Coach?  You get what you put in to it.  Like I said, I work full time for the Government, am a mother & wife, softball coach, community foundation board member so yes, I'm busy ... this tells you how much I believe that I can make money and become successful at this.  I made $40 profit before even being a coach a full month!  HELLO $40 ... my monthly coach fee is $15.95 -- you do the math.
3.) I don't have a gym so how can I be a Coach?  My upline just quit her full time job because she has made a full time job being a Beachbody Supporter and Coach (and believe me she is no longer living paycheck to paycheck).  She is EXTREMELY successful and continues to grow ... she does all of her business over the internet -- Lives in the country and touches peoples lives every day, as I am doing the same.  She lives in Washington State and I live in Indiana and she helps me every day!
4.) What is this EMERALD stuff?  Once you sign up 2 personally sponsored coaches (and yes, they encourage you signing up your spouse) ... you become an Emerald Status Coach and what does that mean?  When people go directly to the Beachbody website and place orders, instead of BB keeping the profit, they assign these customers to you ... you don't DO ANYTHING and you make commission from them!!!  My uplines make a ton from this -- I've seen it.  I am going to post more about Emerald in a seperate post and break it all down.
5.) Why sign up under me as a customer or coach?  I am part of an already established upline and yes, the company I work for was started by the CEO of Beachbody plus you get to be part of the Coachery Network (invited by my direct upline) which is a 30 day training that is simple to follow and shows you how to get customers/leads/coaches -- no joke, this is PRICELESS!!  So, as a customer, I've been trained by some of the best in the business and I want you to succeed to help me succeed as well. And as a Coach, you get to be part of an already established team with many coaches in the Million Dollar Club!  Chalene Johnson's Sister, Jenelle Summers, will actually be in your upline because of this phenominal group of coaches!  You get direct access to her training videos and advice directly from her + you have access to Platinum Presenters (more info. to follow but you can Google it) + access to Coachery Network + me directly assisting you to become successful.  You will NEVER be alone in this.  The more you make and suceed, the more the entire upline makes and succeeds so believe me, we're going to help you build your business!
I am obviously so excited about the venture and have met so many new, lovely people that I now call friends.  We have lost weight together, go fit together, and are making $$ together.  What more could a girl (or boy) want!  :)  More to follow so stay tuned .....

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Give Away -- Followers

So, I've been thinking about doing a give away and what better item than a healthy cookbook since eating healthy, losing weight and staying fit is my main purpose in life.  What do you think?  If I can get 15 new followers, I'll be giving away a nice, healthy cookbook.
Drink Water
Stay away from Pop
Portion Control
Start Researching Clean Eating (use this as motivation to begin eating healthier)

Friday, May 24, 2013

I can't believe it but I just saw a deposit into my savings account for $40!!!  I just started as a Beachbody Coach at the beginning of May and I've already made $40 and have only 1 personally sponsored coach! 
I would LOVE and will become Emerald by the beginning of June, meaning I need 1 more coach to join me!  If there is anyone out there that wants to get fit and see lasting results and wants to make money doing it, PLEASE let me know and we'll do this together!   I'm down 11 pounds and making money ... what more could a girl want??!!

Baby Steps!! ... Yes, Again!

I know I keep saying baby steps, but it's so important!  We didn't get out of shape and high on weight over night, people!  We did it gradually, or most of us did, and it's going to take time and patience to start seeing results!  The thing about weight loss is that if people don't see instant results, they give up!  Don't give up ... keep pushing and keep taking those baby steps!  If you haven't done so already ... devote 3 days to eating absolutely nothing that is bad for you.  This is so important as I am a strong believer that if you eat smaller portions and healthy foods for 3 days you will see huge results!  I seem to starve for the first 2 days and by the 3rd, I'm actually not that hungry -- your belly shrinks ... it has to since I can't find any other explanation.  Plus once the 3 days are over, you'll see the weight loss, not feel so hungry anymore and you'll want to keep going.  Motivation is the key to weight loss!  So, 1 more baby step -- give it 3 days ... what could hurt??!!!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

TurboFire Challenge Update

I am on my 2nd week of the TurboFire Challenge and I am seeing results!  I have lost 7 pounds since last month, but I have to be honest that it's a struggle completing the workouts ... not a struggle to start the workouts because I'm having a lot of fun with them, but I'm so out of shape that I have to take alot of breaks!  But, that's OK and one day success will be so sweet especially when I don't have to take breaks -- I look forward to the day that I can complete the workouts without sitting down one time ... that is my current goal.  Remember, babysteps.  Set your realistic goal today!
If you would like to know more about the Challenge, please contact me at  Thanks!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Baby Step #2 and #3

So, now that we've committed to drinking only water for 7 days, what will our next steps be?  Take some time and find a way to track what you eat every day.  I LOVE pens, papers, planners, etc. (and I LOVE my Erin Condren notebook w/added calender) to help me track but honestly I still use my tracker most of the time because it's the perfect size and it also tracks your daily and weekly allowances, liquid intake, healthy oil intake, muti-vitamins for the day + fruits and vegetables, so although I love my Staples personal notebook system and my Erin Condren, I still keep going back to the WW Tracker ... easy and all in one plus it does fit nicely in either planner.  However, Erin Condren does offer the full out calendar that lets you write in daily and monthly calendars so the weekly works great to track too. 
So, Task #2: Find a way to track the food you eat every day - make it fun so you'll want to and look forward to writing in it every day.

I cannot stress this enough!  I always thought that this was bologne to be quite honest -- I mean, really, someone expects me to believe that I can lose weight simply by writing everything down????  I am now a FIRM Believer -- I don't know the science behind this, but when I write things down I am accountable and do so much better and I lose weight.

1.) Commit to drinking only water for 7 days.
2.) Track what you eat.
3.) Take a multi-vitamin

**Again, I am not a health expert and you should always consult with a Dr. before taking vitamins, changing your weight loss plans, etc.  This is strictly my opinion after losing and gaining weight back over the years.

Weight Watchers Points Calculator

I found this link and I saved the shortcut on my desktop.  I cannot have a cell at work so I use this and it's priceless during the day.  I keep my Weight Watchers Journal right beside me and track everytime I put something in my mouth.

Baby Steps to Fast Weight Loss

I know … the title doesn’t make much sense, but actually it does! You start out with steps that will have the greatest impact on your weight loss. So, baby steps – start to change your routine slowly and once you see the pounds melt away quickly, you’ll think, “Wow, how easy was that?”
I am not a nutrition expert, but I am a Lifetime Member of Weight Watchers and a Beachbody Fitness Coach and the most important … a life long dieter!!  I am currently combining WW with Beachbody because I feel where one lacks, the other makes up for it, BUT that is totally me and everyone is different. The first baby step to fast weight loss is this…..
1.) Give up pop and yes, I know you want to smack me right now, but if you want to see significant weight loss, the way I did, I am telling you to devote 1 week to nothing but water or water with flavor added. I lost 10 pounds my first week of Weight Watchers — yes, 10 POUNDS! I have to tell you I was SHOCKED, to say the least!! So, do this — Devote 1 week for this experiment, don’t cheat unless you get bad headaches from lack of caffiene (then cheat a little but don’t over do it), and when you see the amount you lose … GUESS WHAT??? You will have nothing greater motivate you more!!
1.) Devote 1 Week
2.) Drink Only Water (Yes, eat normally BUT try to cut back on portion size)
3.) Love the added energy you get once the caffeine withdrawal goes away
4.) Be SHOCKED at the amount of weight you lose the first week!

Monday, May 13, 2013

My First Bye-Bye Chubs Post

I am tired, tired, tired!..... Tired of being chubs, tired of being tired, and tired of being unhealthy!  So, I signed up to Weight Watchers for the hundreth time and I finally realized something ..... maybe Weight Watchers just isn't working anymore!!??? What to do, what to do??  I am so fed up with this whole diet, get skinny, get fat, diet, get skinny ... you see the pattern!  So, I am going on a journey!  I've devoted my time and sanity to a 30 Day Challenge.  What is 30 days gonna matter, right?  Well, hopefully in those 30 days I'll have a solid foundation to say bye-bye chubs, FOR GOOD!  I need accountability so I'll be posting recipes, pictures and quotes & inspirations!  Please come along on this "long time coming" journey of mine!   :)

The Dreaded "Before" Picture ... I'm hoping for one of those super sexy bikini body pictures for the after!!!