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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Needed .... New Menu!!!!

So, I'm having some trouble with my menu!  I really think if I could get a menu with all healthy, clean foods that I love I could stick to it, but I'm such a mish-mosh type person that I need structure and I don't like alot of vegetables and fish so maybe that's why I have weight problems!  Honestly, people tell me to shut it and eat the foods like tomatoes and green beans ... seriously, I HATE the texture of tomatoes and I think I have mental issues about eating green things!  I did get over myself one time and tried green beans ... no thank you and it sucks because they are so good for me!  I just CAN'T physically or mentally make myself eat them or tomatoes, or peas, or really any type of bean unless it's in chili or a re-fried bean on a tortilla with cheese! 
Why am I such a healthy food snob!!??  Are there any others out there the same way that has overcome this issue?  I need HELP! 
I would love to see a menu without hummus and beans and tuna!  I refuse to eat tuna and that sucks too but the smell & texture can't be handled by this gal!  I think some of it comes from my father and his weak stomach ... seriously you could pretend to pick your nose and act like you had a boog and chase him all the while he's running and gagging, and he knew that we actually hadn't snagged one!  So, that kind of shows you a pic of where I'm coming from, but not at all as bad as he was.  I just can't handle certain items.  Any ideas on how to conquer?  I'd love to have a set menu and grocery list that consists of foods I won't gag at and be a snob to!!  Actually if I had 2, I could switch from one to the other each week ... anybody got any ideas?  And I also live in a rural, extremely small community that has like 1 grocery and 1 discount grocery store so that also gives you an idea that I can't go buy all this fancy health food!  I think I just figured out my weight issue..... I'm a food snob with hardly any access to healthy food!  :)  HELP!!!

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